Student Assistants
Have Fun. Get Experience.
High school students may apply to become Camp Assistants who help in our younger camps. Preference is given to students who are at least sixteen years old and receive high recommendations from school or private teachers. Assistants are not paid; however, this incredible opportunity is a great way to gain valuable experience while getting even more fun time at camp.
Camp Assistant responsibilities
1. Sleep in cabins with another chaperone and ten young campers.
2. Welcome your cabin's campers and guide them around camp.
3. Supervise the safety and participation of campers during all non-musical recreation times.
4. Accompany cabin campers at mealtimes and in table setup and cleanup responsibilities.
5. Prepare your campers for cabin competitions, such as skit night and relays.
6. Provide emotional encouragement and support to young campers who may be insecure in the camp environment.
Camp Assistants are generally students who are interested in becoming string teachers or working with children in the future. The program seeks to provide learning opportunities while the assistants are actively involved in helping experienced professional teachers.
Additional Camp Assistant responsibilities.
1. Help with setting up, tuning, and playing with students in all orchestra rehearsals as requested by the Guest Conductor.
2. Assist small group teachers.
3. Meet with the Camp Director and the Guest Conductor daily to reflect.
There are a limited number of openings for Assistant positions. Those selected will be contacted by our Camp Director for confirmation. By confirming, Assistants commit to stay at camp as assigned by Alaska String Camps. There will also be at least one pre-camp meeting that Assistants will be expected to attend.
Not all Camp Assistants are required to play an orchestral string instrument, however, a musical background is preferred.
If you are interested in becoming a Camp Assistant, please fill out the form below.